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A node has attributes for specifying its efficiency in the network flow and for drawing the node and its edges on the map. Let's take node d0 as an example.

The efficiency is the output
as a fraction of the input, 
it must be positive.
The geo-coordinates specify
the location, in this example
the node is near Bornholm
in Denmark.
The depth 'z' is non-negative.
The colour is an HTML colour 
name or hexadecimal code.

All node attributes can be left blank; the default efficiency is 1, nodes without geo-coordinates and their edges do not show on the map, the default depth is 1, and the default colour is black.

The depth is proportional to the side of the square on the map that represents the node. Nodes with depth 0 do not show up.

Nodes with smaller depth are shown in front of nodes with larger depth.

user_manual/network/node.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/21 07:36 by pippi_langstrump