You can open the CSV file with your favourite document processing software and carry out any calculations and produce charts, as you might require. The CSV files are simple, covering only the specified run and the CSV files explain themselves.
When you have selected the HTM5 format, you will be offered to download the results in a zip file ''. After downloading has completed, all its files can be extracted to a folder on your PC. After that, you can find the file 'results.html' and open it with your favourite web browser. The web browser will open a new page with the production availability and mission reliability results for the complete system, as shown below.
The results page shows 10 sections:
For the results breakdowns:
At the left-hand side of the results page, you see the list of groups in the availability diagram, with links to the respective group results pages. The list hierarchy reflects the availability diagram; the symbol '+' stands for parallel and the symbol '⊥' stands for serial.
Above the charts, you will find the snapshot with information on the status at the time of the run, provided that the time of the run lies inside the reporting period.
At the top right-hand side, you find the results summary.
Also at the right-hand side is the list of downtime events that fall wholly or partly in the reporting period.
The first chart shows the cumulative available capacity, with the losses due to:
The horizontal scale has the probability, that is the fraction of time. The vertical scale has the capacity, in model units, with the peak consumption capacity as maximum.
The surface area of the full rectangle equals the peak consumption capacity on the reporting period. The surface area of the full rectangle minus the grey surface area equals the demand. The surface area of the full rectangle minus the grey and red surface areas equals the maximum capacity. For each of the capacity, planned and unplanned loss, its coloured surface area equals the size of that loss. The white surface area equals the expected capacity. The demand, maximum capacity, losses and the expected capacity are averaged over the reporting period.
The reliability and availability can be determined from the chart.
The cumulative available capacity is the curve below the losses.
The second chart has the horizontal axis with the timescale and the vertical axis with the capacity, in model units. It shows the expected capacity on the specified timescale of the reporting period, with the losses due to:
At each time step, the expected capacity is the white bar below the losses.
These results are averaged over the respective time steps.
The top table shows the breakdown of the planned and unplanned losses by group:
All tabled results are averaged over the whole reporting period. The losses are relative to the bottom-line demand. For groups and items in parallel, their capacities and losses add up to the bottom line. For groups and items in series, the capacities and losses are relative to the bottom line. In each row, expected capacity + capacity loss + planned loss + unplanned loss = demand.
For a network, no breakdown is provided.
The third chart shows the breakdown, by group, of the planned downtime. When the model has no planned downtime during the reporting period, this chart isn't shown.
The fourth chart shows the breakdown, by group, of the unplanned downtime. When the model has no unplanned downtime during the reporting period, this chart isn't shown.
The bottom table is the criticality ranking. It is only shown if the demand during the whole reporting period is deterministic or if the run uses Monte Carlo simulation.
Each row in the table lists one state of loss (aka minimum cut set) and its criticality. The availability loss, that is the loss of production availability or the loss of mission reliability, equals the downtime fraction multiplied with the impact.
Since the minimum cut sets are complete and mutually disjoint, there is no double-counting and the losses add up to the bottom line. Downtime scenarios that have the same impact and small individual losses are represented together under the flag 'other'.
The losses are relative to the maximum capacity, taking the demand into account. The criticality ranking does not show the capacity losses, if any.
All results are averaged over the whole reporting period.